Fibroscan®  / Liver Health Scan

Fibroscan® is a non-invasive procedure that assesses liver stiffness and fatty changes to measure the extent of liver fibrosis.  This can aid in diagnosing and monitoring the progress of liver disease, and allows for early detection of disease that may not be present on routine blood tests.    

The Fibroscan® uses a series of pulsed low-frequency vibrations to measure liver stiffness and determine the level of liver scarring.

With one the few privately owned Fibroscan® machines in Victoria, we are able to offer a service with short wait times at a minimal cost for patients, who would otherwise potentially be waiting many months to have their scan through the public system.

Fibroscan® is done as a consultation and only takes 15-20 minutes.  Patients need to fast for 2 hours before the procedure.  The procedure is non-invasive and not painful.  There are no side-effects or recovery time from the procedure. 

Following your Fibroscan® patients will be provided with their results and discuss a treatment plan if required. 

Fibroscan® is offered at locations all around Melbourne. Please see our Mobile Services locations page for a full list of locations.

Patients can be referred directly for Fibroscan® without requiring a consultation with one of our Gastroenterologists prior. Referrals can be faxed to 03 9102 9774, emailed to or by completing the online referral.

Call Liver Health Scan for any queries regarding Fibroscan Ph. 03 9018 4088