Urea Breath Testing

(Helicobacter Pylori Testing)

The Urea Breath Test (UBT) checks for the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) in the stomach.    

H.Pylori is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation in the stomach and can lead to stomach ulcers, gastritis and gastric cancer. H.Pylori infection is reasonably common and can persist for many years without treatment. It is thought to be spread via person to person contact.

UBT is a quick and simple test. The patient swallows a C-urea capsule which dissolves in the stomach.  If H.Pylori is present, the c-urea will be metabolised to Carbon Dioxide and ammonia, which will be exhaled in the breath and picked up by the breath card.   

If H.Pylori is detected the usual treatment is with medication - antibiotics/acid suppressants.  Following a course of treatment patients will have a repeat UBT to check if the H.Pylori has been eradicated.  

Patients need to fast prior to the procedure, and cease taking some medications.  There are no/minimal risks of complication and no recovery time needed. 

This is a bulk billed service provided to our patients.